2021年8月31日· PDF | This chapter describes several methodologies to estimate nitrogen in plants based on different strategies | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate2022年1月7日· This review summarizes the recent progress in the field of plant nitrate (NO3) and ammonium (NH4+) uptake, which are the two major forms of N that areNitrogen in plants: from nutrition to the modulation of abiotic
2021年4月1日· Nitrogen (N) is the most abundant mineral element present in plant tissues, in which it constitutes about 1 to 5% of total dry matter Plants acquire N by roots2019年1月1日· The main objectives were to: 1) explore the characteristics of N concentration in various plant organs; 2) analyze the spatial distribution of N amongVariation in the nitrogen concentration of the leaf,
2013年8月16日· Introduction After carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, nitrogen (N) is one of the essential elements in plants due to its key role in chlorophyll production, which is2010年3月18日· Plant nitrogen uptake and metabolism during senescence NUE and shoot nitrogen concentration when plants were grown at low nitrate supply (Good etNitrogen uptake, assimilation and remobilization in
2024年1月4日· Monitoring leaf nitrogen concentration (LNC) allows an assessment of whether plants receive sufficient nitrogen supply [ 5, 6 ], facilitating the adoption of2016年12月2日· concentrations in harvested plant parts A number of factors can affect the N concentration in harvested plant parts For most crops included in this report,Nitrogen concentration s in harvested plant parts A literature
2019年10月9日· Nitrogen (N 2) is the most necessary element in the atmosphere, it is an energetic micronutrient for plant growth and development after water, besides its key2004年10月1日· The nitrogen concentration of plants decreases as they grow, the decrease being more pronounced for densely planted crops The common explanation toPlant spacing effect on the nitrogen concentration of a crop
2019年1月1日· 1 Introduction Nitrogen (N) is a principal component of protein and nucleic acid, and is an essential element for plant growth (Vitousek and Melillo, 1979, Vitousek and Howarth, 1991, Zhang et al, 2003, Gao et al, 2007)Moreover, N is important for regulating the composition, structure, and functioning of terrestrial ecosystemsHealthy plants often contain 3 to 4 percent nitrogen in their aboveground tissues This is a much higher concentration compared to other nutrients Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, nutrients that don’t play a significant roleNitrogen | Key Nutrients | Mosaic Crop Nutrition
2002年1月1日· Func tional Ecology 9: 231–238 Morris JT (1991) Effect of nitrogen loading on wetland ecosystems with particular reference to atmospheric depo sition Annual Reviews of Ecology and Systematics 22: 257–280 Ohlson M (1988) Variation in tissue element concentration in mire plants over a range of sites Holarctic Ecology 11: 267–2792018年4月17日· Patterns of plant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration in relation to productivity in China’s terrestrial ecosystems April 2018 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115(16Patterns of plant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration
2021年11月16日· In the last years, the atmospheric CO2 concentration has increased significantly, and this increase can cause changes in various physiological and biochemical processes of plants However, the2021年8月25日· Understanding the variation of plant Ca concentration would be helpful for predicting plant growth and the development of animal husbandry Nitrogen deposition has extensively increased due to anthropogenic activities, such as fertilizer application and fossil fuel combustion (Gruber and Galloway 2008; Vitousek et al 1997)Neutral responses of plant community Ca concentration to nitrogen
2018年5月21日· Excess nitrogen can harm water bodies Excess nitrogen can cause overstimulation of growth of aquatic plants and algae Excessive growth of these organisms, in turn, can clog water intakes, use up dissolved oxygen as they decompose, and block light to deeper waters Lake and reservoir eutrophication can occur, which produces unsightlySoil nitrogen supply reflects how much mineral nitrogen may be released from organic matter but not when the nitrogen will be released Plant uptake of soil nitrogen Plants require more nitrogen (N) than any other nutrient but only a small portion of the nitrogen in soil is available to plants; 98 % of the nitrogen in soil is in organic formsSoil Nitrogen Supply | Fact Sheets | soilqualityau
2020年6月22日· Apple dwarf rootstock seedlings (M9T337) were used to study the impacts of different K levels on plant growth, nitrogen metabolism, and carbon (C) assimilation in water culture experiments for 2 years In 2018 and 2019, the root length and total root surface area of seedlings were the largest under 6 mM K concentration,2019年1月1日· In the past, most studies focused on the nitrogen pool of tree biomass or nitrogen concentration in plant organs during reforestation, and they scarcely covered secondary biomass nitrogen (biomassVariation in the nitrogen concentration of the leaf, branch,
2021年4月1日· Nitrogen nutrition in plants is a key determinant in crop productivity The availability of nitrogen nutrients in the soil, both inorganic NO 3 − is the most abundant form, with concentrations between 1 to 5 mM, while NH 4 + concentration typically ranges between 20 and 200 μM2022年12月23日· Leaf nitrogen concentration Plant samples used for the determination of LNC were dried and crushed separately by tissue/organ type, and their LNC (%) was determined using an automatic Kjeldahl nitrogen analyzer (Kjeltec 2300, FOSS, Sweden) based on the Kjeldahl methodRemote estimation of leaf water concentration in winter wheat
2023年9月4日· 1 Introduction Nitrogen is an essential mineral nutrient for plant growth and reproduction Apart from being a fundamental building block of proteins and nucleic acids, N also participates in carbon fixation through photosynthesis as a component of chlorophyll (Bernard and Habash, 2009)In agricultural production, applying N fertilizers generallyBacteria play a key role in the nitrogen cycle Nitrogen enters the living world by way of bacteria and other singlecelled prokaryotes, which convert atmospheric nitrogen— N 2 —into biologically usable forms in a process called nitrogen fixation Some species of nitrogenfixing bacteria are freeliving in soil or water, while others areThe nitrogen cycle (article) | Ecology | Khan Academy
2020年4月26日· Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (macronutrient ) are most important nutrients for plant growth and development Nitrogen is a major component of proteins and is therefore required in higher concentration It also catalyzes enzymatic reactions Phosphorus is the main component of ATP and NADPH2008年11月21日· Nitrogen fertilizers are also shown to increase the concentrations of carotenes and vitamin B1 in plants Since excess use of nitrogen fertilizers increases the concentration of NO3 in plant foodsNitrogen fertilizers and the amount of vitamins in plants: A
2021年6月21日· As we have just seen, nitrogen is basic in a large number of vital processes in plants As, in addition, the vast majority of soils have a nitrogen concentration lower than what the plants grown by us need, it is necessary to increase the supply of nitrogen to the plants This can be done in a number of ways2024年1月17日· where N c is the value of critical nitrogen concentration, g kg −1; a is the critical nitrogen concentration of the plant in the aboveground biomass, 100 t ha −1; W is the accumulated aboveground dry matter biomass, t ha −1; b is the statistical parameter for the slope of the critical nitrogen concentration dilution curvePlants | Free FullText | Comprehensive Evaluation of Tomato
2019年10月9日· 12 15 N 2 Abundance Determination (Mass Spectrometry) 15 N 2 abundance determination and 15 N 2 isotope dilution is a recent, rapid, and highly sensitive method for determination of N 2 in plants and other biological samples, as well as applicable for low and small sample volumes This method is based on the theory thatRedesigning Rice Photosynthesis to Increase Yield S Peng, in Studies in Plant Science, 2000 Physiological factors Leaf nitrogen concentrationA linear relationship between lightsaturated P n and leaf N concentration per unit leaf area (N a) was reported in rice when N a ranged from 05 to 21 g m −2 (Yoshida and Coronel 1976, Makino et al 1988)ThisNitrogen Concentration an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
2020年5月28日· Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P) are essential nutritional elements for life processes in water bodies However, in excessive quantities, they may represent a significant source of aquatic pollution2021年11月6日· The efficient use of nitrogen (N) is essential for plants, as it is one of the most limiting factors for plant growth (Pellegrini 2016)Plant nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is defined as the net dry mass production per unit of N uptake, which is extensively employed for research into plant N use strategies (Hirose 2011)Plants with higher NUENitrogen use efficiency of terrestrial plants in China:
2023年12月8日· Several studies have investigated how nitrogen (N) addition changes N competition between focal plant species and soil microorganisms; still, the impact on communitylevel plantmicrobial N competition and the underlying mechanisms remain unclear We conducted a shortterm (4 h) 15N labeling experiment in an alpine meadow2018年4月16日· Plant nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) content regulate productivity and carbon (C) sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems Estimates of the allocation of N and P content in plant tissues and the relationship between nutrient content and photosynthetic capacity are critical to predicting future ecosystem C sequestration under global changePatterns of plant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration
The basic information on plant nitrogen concentration and AGB during the whole growth period of rice is shown in Table 1 TABLE 1 Table 1 Plant N concentration and AGB statistics According to the construction method of the critical N concentration curve proposed in 231,Nitrogen is one of these essential nutrients, which is converted to amino acids and then utilized in producing necessary enzymes and structural parts of the plant The LAQUAtwin Nitrate Ion meter can be used to measure NO 3 N concentration in soil samplesSoil Nitrate Measurement for Determination of PlantAvailable Nitrogen
2014年6月26日· The scaling relationships of N concentration across different plant organs tended P B et al Evidence of a general 2/3power law of scaling leaf nitrogen to phosphorus among major plantA lower concentration (20 mM) proved to be the best, and significantly enhanced the growth characteristics of plants This concentration of proline also enhanced the nodulation and nitrogen fixingNitrogen concentration in different plant parts of B napus and B
2022年5月8日· Nitrogen (N) is one of the most important macronutrients essential for plant growth, development, and quality of the crop (Clevers and Gitelson, 2013; Biswas and Ma, 2016) Plant growth and development is not static but a dynamic process that requires persistent N throughput (Kattge, 2002)2016年5月30日· Increased concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and drought stress have greatly influenced plant growth, the status of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), and N:P ratios We identified the plant biomass, N and P distributional patterns, and N:P stoichiometry of a grass species on the Loess Plateau in China underElevated CO2 Concentration and Drought Stress Exert Opposite
2013年8月16日· The best correlation between plant nitrogen concentration and a normalized difference index was obtained by using reflectance data in the visible part of the spectrum (503 and 480 nm) The FieldSpec spectroradiometer required a calibration procedure carried out by measuring reflectance of a dark and a white reference panel2016年12月14日· 1 National Engineering and Technology Center for Information Agriculture, Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Information Agriculture, Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern Crop Production, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China; 2 Department of Agronomy, Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan; NonFrontiers | Nondestructive Assessment of Plant Nitrogen
2018年7月2日· Plant nitrogen concentration (PNC) is a critical indicator of N status for crops, and can be used for N nutrition diagnosis and management This work aims to explore the potential of multispectral imagery from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for PNC estimation and improve the estimation accuracy with hyperspectral data collected in the2019年11月1日· The status of N in rice plant as well as local signals in roots trigger morphological changes in the whole system of root where NO 3 − acts locally to induce different morphological responses This subject has been reviewed recently (le Deunff et al, 2016, Kiba and Krapp, 2016, O’Brien et al, 2016)NRT11 and MtNRT13 can sense theSensing and Uptake of Nitrogen in Rice Plant: A Molecular View
2018年7月3日· Leaf is the major organ of plant photosynthesis and physiological activity, and in leaf tissues the ratio of carbon to nitrogen (C/N), defined as the ratio of LCC (leaf carbon concentration) to2018年4月17日· Plant nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) content regulate productivity and carbon (C) sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems Estimates of the allocation of N and P content in plant tissues and the relationship between nutrient content and photosynthetic capacity are critical to predicting future ecosystem C sequestration under global changePatterns of plant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration
2018年10月25日· Aims Peatland porewaters frequently contain large concentrations of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), but small concentrations of inorganic N (NH4+ and NO3−) Our aim was to test whether peatland plants, with low tissue N concentrations (07 to 17%), have the ability to take up organic forms of N, specifically glycine Methods We2020年7月25日· In plants, the nitrogen (N) source for uptake and assimilation, mainly in the forms of nitrate (NO3) and ammonium (NH4+) quantitatively dominates the anion and cation equilibrium and the pH balance in cells Here we review ionic and pH homeostasis in plant cells and regulation by N source from the rhizosphere to extra and intracellular pHPlant nitrogen uptake and assimilation: regulation of cellular
In shortterm water culture experiments with different 15N labeled ammonium or nitrate concentrations, citrus seedlings absorbed NH4 + at a higher rate than NO3 − Maximum NO3 − uptake by the whole plant occurred at 120 mg L−1 NO3 −N, whereas NH4 + absorption was saturated at 240 mg L−1 NH4 +N 15NH4 + accumulated in roots and to2023年6月6日· The more pronounced increase in leaf N concentration and whole plant N uptake with increasing drought intensity in the faststrategy community only is consistent with earlier studies showing faststrategy plants have higher rates of N uptake compared to slowstrategy plants (de Vries & Bardgett, 2016; Grassein et al, 2015)Drought intensity alters productivity, carbon allocation and plant