2021年4月1日· The sulfides or oxides, which seriously affect the gold leaching process or encapsulate gold, are destroyed by alkali compounds (eg sodium hydroxide, sodium sulfide) It has advantages of high efficiency, not releasing harmful gases, flexible2021年4月13日· In the Reference process, chloride leaching and gold recovery are preceded by sulfide breakdown at elevated temperature and pressure (190°C, 100 psiDirect Cupric Chloride Leaching of Gold from Refractory Sulfide
2006年8月1日· For gold leaching in the presence of sulfide minerals, there are two major mechanisms by which the sulfide can impact on the gold leaching rate (a) through2016年6月1日· This paper has outlined the development and fundamentals of alkaline sulfide leaching and recovery of gold Specifically, an RECQM was utilized to identifyAlkaline sulfide gold leaching kinetics ScienceDirect
2023年1月12日· The best results in terms of the highest extraction of Au were obtained with an oxygen pressure of 05 MPa, 6 g/L sodium cyanide, and a temperature of 75 °C, along with a constant stirring speed of2020年11月14日· Twostep bioleaching of ore concentrate resulted in the highest gold leaching yields (approximately ~100% and 34% for R tolerans and R mucosus,Bioleaching of Gold from Sulfidic Gold Ore Concentrate and
2003年1月1日· Results of antimony leaching in alkaline sulfide media will be discussed including some details of a novel and selective recovery method for gold leached by2022年7月6日· Zhao et al proposed a process combining biooxidation followed by thiosulfate leaching for gold extraction from a refractory gold concentrate A maximumLeaching of Gold and Silver from a Complex Sulfide Concentrate in
In the present paper, the alkaline sulfide system was studied as an alternative to cyanide for recovering gold from elemental sulfur It was found that the dominant lixiviant for gold inAlthough there has been little fundamental research into gold leaching in the alkaline sulfide system, there is some knowledge of the chemistry involved as a similar systemA fundamental study of the alkaline sulfide leaching of gold
2023年6月1日· Gold leaching by polysulfides was proposed in 1962; the most used polysulfide leaching reagents are ammonium sulfide or sodium sulfide The coordination compound stability constant of A u S is 2 × 10 36 , whereas the stability constant of A u ( H S ) 2 is 13 × 10 30 2020年4月14日· Alkaline sulfurcontaining lixiviants, including thiosulfate, polysulfides, and alkaline sulfide solutions, stand out as a promising class of alternatives to cyanide because of their low toxicity, high efficiency, and strong adaptability In this paper, we summarized the research progress and remaining challenges in gold extraction using these noncyanideA review of gold extraction using noncyanide lixiviants:
2018年8月19日· Baghalha M (2007) Leaching of an oxide gold ore with chloride/hypochlorite solutions Int J Miner Process 82(4):178–186 Article CAS Google Scholar Hasab MGR, Rashchi S (2012) Chloridehypochlorite oxidation and leaching of refractory sulfide gold concentrate Physicochem Probl Miner Process 49:61–年7月1日· During the past 10 years biotreatment of refractory gold ores, which contain finely disseminated gold particles associated with sulfide minerals including arsenopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite, has been developed to an industrial application and several tank leaching operations are being run in South Africa, Brazil and Australia [50, 54–56]Bioleaching: metal solubilization by microorganisms
2020年11月14日· The maximum gold yield detected for R tolerans with gold concentrate in this study was similar to that reported by Khaing et al [14,21] for other R tolerans strains leaching sulfide ore However, the maximum yield obtained with R mucosus for ore concentrate was lower than that previously reported for strains of Roseovarius genus2023年8月10日· Tartrate performance, in terms of gold leaching from a carbonaceous or sulfide gold concentrate, is encouraging 30,31 Thus, the kinetics analysis of gold leaching from an oxide gold ore using copper–tartrate–thiosulfate solutions was carried out in this work Experimental parameters, including temperature,Leaching of Gold from an Oxide Gold Ore with Copper–Tartrate
2017年6月15日· Thiosulfate leaching is a promising alternative to cyanidation, and the main hindrances for its wide commercial application are the high thiosulfate consumption and the difficult recovery of dissolved gold In this review, the four solutions to reduce the consumption of thiosulfate, including the control of reaction conditions, the use of2022年3月1日· Following leaching, gold ions remain dissolved in the solution, together with other elements It is necessary to recover gold ions from this solution, separating them from the other dissolved metals present This section of the paper reviews some of the most common methods used to recover gold from leaching solution 51 Activated carbon (AC)A systematic review of sustainable gold extraction from raw
It was found that the dominant lixiviant for gold in this system is sulfide, and polysulfide was ascertained to be the oxidant The leaching reaction was determined to be chemically controlled, thus highly dependent on temperature Other variables investigated include the effect of pH, gold purity, and the ratio of sulfide to polysulfides2015年6月24日· Methods of leaching sulphide ores can be: in absence of oxidizing agents; in presence of oxidizing agents; Bacterial leaching Sulphide Leaching system; Absence of oxidizing agents Acid leaching: Dilute acids dissolve some metal sulphides with liberation of H 2 S, eg ZnS + 2H+ ^ Zn 2+ + H2S Three types of sulphides can be encounteredSulphide Leaching 911 Metallurgist
2020年5月1日· Conditions for efficient sulfidealkaline leaching process, ensuring high antimony extraction along with minimization of losses of gold in the solutions were determined: Eh from 08 to 06 V at2020年11月11日· Gold is a highly required material for a wide range of personal and industrial applications The high demand for gold, together with the shortage of natural resources and high pollution potential of wastes generated during mining and ore processing activities led to search for alternative sources of gold A possible source is representedHydrometallurgical Recovery of Gold from Mining Wastes
2018年5月15日· As sodium sulfide is easily oxidized to polysulfide and thiosulfate which have a gold leaching effect, gold would dissolve in leaching solution when extracting stibium from gold containing antimony concentrate by alkaline sulfide Through leaching test and kinetics analysis, the decomposition regularity of sodium sulfide and leaching2018年7月10日· Processing of gold ores with high sulfide minerals is problematic as they consume cyanide and reduce gold leaching Optimization of gold leaching and cyanide consumption requires a methodology to(PDF) Leaching of gold ores with high cyanicides: a
2022年1月1日· The gold leaching was performed in a liquid culture medium that contained sulfide ore with a gold content of 026 wt%, the marine broth, and potassium iodide The test was conducted in a pulp density of 33 w/v% for 30 days at 30 °C2023年7月28日· The use of thiosulfate to extract gold from refractory ores is promising because of its nontoxicity and high selectivity Sulfide minerals (ie, pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite), major gold carriers in refractory gold ores, however, hinder gold extraction due to the high consumption of a lixiviant In this study, a new method to improve goldA Pretreatment of Refractory Gold Ores Containing Sulfide
2000年9月1日· The gold cyanidation leaching process (GCLP) has been the dominant process for the extraction of gold from ores in alkaline cyanide pulp due to its advantages of simple structure, little occupied2022年7月6日· sulfide concentrate The gold extraction can be rapidly increased up to 99% in a copperammoniathiosulfate solution [45] Moreover, Gui et al used ultrasound to enhance the kinetics of gold leaching in cobaltammoniathiosulfate solutions The gold leaching efficiency significantly increased from 70% to 89% with the assistance ofLeaching of Gold and Silver from a Complex Sulfide Concentrate
2010年4月1日· A process of biooxidation followed by thiosulfate leaching of gold from refractory gold concentrate was investigated Mineralogical studies on the concentrate showed that very fine gold grains (<年10月25日· The imbalance between raw materials of high economic importance and their supply has increased the search for new approaches to obtain valuable elements from mining tailings In this study, the extraction of copper, zinc, and lead from sulfidic tailing in sulfate–chloride media was investigated A 33 Box–Behnken design was applied toLeaching of Cu, Zn, and Pb from Sulfidic Tailings Under the Use of
2012年2月1日· In contrast, gold extraction from the oxide ore in a solution containing 20 g/L iodide and 4 g/L iodine reached 77% in 6 h and 89% in 24 h With iodate as the oxidant, no gold could be leached in 48 h When the iodate was partially converted to iodine by adding HCl to the solution, gold leaching was then started2023年1月12日· Many gold deposits contain finely disseminated gold particles in iron sulfide minerals such as pyrite These minerals are called refractory gold ores because of the presence of gold, which occursMinerals | Free FullText | Gold Extraction from a
Oxidized gold ore is an original sulfide ore that has undergone oxidation, eg naturally over geologic time A refractory gold ore refers to a sulfide ore that contains finely disseminated gold, or has other factors that mitigate direct cyanidation Scheelite, ie CaWO 4,2023年1月12日· In this study, we conducted experiments to characterize the effects on gold extraction of ores using a range of sodium cyanide concentrations (1–8 g/L), temperatures (40–75 °C), and oxygen(PDF) Gold Extraction from a Refractory Sulfide Concentrate by
2013年6月1日· Chloride–hypochlorite oxidation and leaching of refractory sulfide gold concentrate M G Hasab F Rashchi S Raygan Chemistry, Environmental Science 2013: In this research, oxidation of sulfide minerals and leaching of gold from a gold–bearing sulfide concentrate using chloride–hypochlorite solution was investigated2018年8月11日· The objectives established for the PAL test program were the following: Reduce leaching time by 35 to 50% This range of reduction was selected based on the successful performance of PAL at other gold operations Recovery of gold and silver could not decrease The average recoveries prior to PAL testing were 96% gold and 895% silverPeroxide Leaching of Gold Silver Sulfide Flotation Concentrate
2023年6月29日· This article will focus on the alkaline leaching of goldbearing tetrahedrite concentrate in a solution containing sodium sulfide and sodium hydroxide This selective leaching is followed by the leaching of heavy and waste metals into the solution, which may influence the physical properties and quality of the desired product, possibly causing2006年8月1日· The effect of galvanic interactions and sulfide mineral dissolution on the gold leaching kinetics in aerated cyanide solutions is investigated Gold leaching kinetics were measured using aThe effect of sulfide minerals on the leaching of gold in
2013年1月1日· In this research, oxidation of sulfide minerals and leaching of gold from a gold bearing sulfide concentrate using chloride hypochlorite solution was investigated The effects of calciumsystems of Au and Ag during the hydrometallurgical process of sulfide gold ore Keywords: concentrated sulfide ore; ammonium thiosulfate; copper sulfate; leaching; gold; silver 1 Introduction For over 100 years, cyanide has been the most common leaching reagent for gold (Au) recovery from ores and concentratesLeaching Behavior of Gold and Silver from Concentrated Sulfide
2006年9月1日· For copper leaching with for example a gold credit in the concentrate and no heap leach, then any of the Bactech, Process development studies by Dynatec for the pressure leaching of HBMS copper sulfide concentrates CIM Bulletin, 93 (1041) (2000), pp 118123 View in Scopus Google Scholar2020年8月1日· Ammonium thiosulfate is an alternative lixiviant for the hydrometallurgical treatment of sulfide gold ores The present study is primarily focused on ammonium thiosulfate leaching of gold (Au) andLeaching Behavior of Gold and Silver from
The effect of sulfide minerals on the leaching of gold in aerated cyanide solutions @article{Dai2006TheEO, title={The effect of sulfide minerals on the leaching of gold in aerated cyanide solutions}, author={Xianwen Dai and Matthew I Jeffrey}, journal={Hydrometallurgy}, year={2006}, volume={82}, pages= {118年2月1日· Thiosulfate leaching of gold—A review Generally the thiosulfate leaching conditions reported in the literature are severe with high reagent consumption Further investigations are required on leaching under low reagent concentrations over extended periods where reagent consumption is low For high grade ores or refractoryThiosulfate leaching of gold—A review ScienceDirect
1 Operation of Gold Heap Leaching Process The Simple Operation of Gold heap leaching process is following: To crush lowgrade gold mines to a certain particle size (or granulation); Pile them on a leakproof bottom pad paved with asphalt, concrete or plastic materials, etc; Spray lowconcentration cyanide, alkaline solution, nontoxic solvent2013年6月1日· Results showed that after 30 min leaching, 100% of gold was extracted from a 45 minmilled sample while only 372% of gold was obtained from the unmilled sample after 480 min leaching (at 25 °CChloride–hypochlorite leaching of gold from a mechanically
2011年10月3日· An electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) was used to study the leaching of pure gold in deaerated 1 M Na2S solution Multiple cyclic voltammograms were measured between 076 and 12013年6月1日· 1 Introduction Pyrite (FeS 2) is the most common sulfide host for goldIn refractory pyritic samples, gold is encapsulated in the pyrite matrix; thus, in hydrometallurgical extraction process, this matrix must be broken down prior to leaching in order to enhance accessibility of gold particles by the leachant (Eymery and Ylli, 2000)Chloride–hypochlorite leaching of gold from a mechanically
2021年1月8日· Hypochlorite leaching system is a strong oxidizing solution for metal sulfides, which are naturally associated with gold extraction This study evaluated the hypochlorite leaching of refractory gold ore by using the response surface method–central composite design (RSMCCD) as a statistical approach in determining the optimum2022年10月4日· “Direct” leaching of attached bacteria would mean a direct electron transfer from the sulfide mineral to cell surface compounds (eg cytochromes), and further to molecular oxygen Evidence for this direct electron transfer was provided by bioleaching experiments with At ferrooxidans in “ironfree” medium and using metal sulfides such asProgress in bioleaching: fundamentals and mechanisms of