2022年11月1日· Coarse aggregate is considered as the most important component, which provides volume as well as strength to the concrete It is mainly obtained from natural resources by quarrying rocks or dredging from the river bed2023年11月6日· This research aims to assess the feasibility of using recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) as a surrogate for natural aggregates (NA) in concrete applicationsIncorporating coarse and fine recycled aggregates into concrete
In addition to the improved economic viability, the environmental impact became one of the most important factors when taking into account longterm implications as well as various2021年5月24日· Highlights • Recycled concrete and mixed aggregates are apt for structural concrete • Recycled aggregates have no effect on concrete workability • All theUse of recycled coarse and fine aggregates in structural
aggregate and any changes in coarse aggregate type can affect its strength and fracture properties The paper examined the impact of coarse aggregates on compressive2021年11月1日· The use of ceramic waste, originated from construction sites and industries, as fine and coarse aggregate in concrete presents an effective andUse of ceramic wastes as aggregates in concrete
2022年4月9日· Recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) manufactured from CDW can replace a significant portion of natural aggregates in concrete as per various research studies2020年7月15日· This present work provides a study of several successful approaches in producing artificial aggregates using a pelletiser machine and the parameters affectingProduction and Utilisation of Artificial Coarse Aggregate in
2023年2月1日· PDF | This monograph addresses the use of recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) as a replacement for natural aggregates (NA) in concrete applicationsIntroduction Sidney Mindess, in Developments in the Formulation and Reinforcement of Concrete (Second Edition), 2019 Concrete production is now, of course, a mature technology The ancient Greeks and Romans both produced mortars that may be considered to be the forerunners of today’s concretes, while “modern” concretes haveConcrete Production an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
2020年6月8日· They are used in concrete as the substitute for coarse aggregates with 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 percentage of substitution All other materials (cement, sand, coarse aggregate) of sameFor example, concrete with a density of 2000 kg/m 3 can be achieved by replacing 45% of coarse aggregate with rubber aggregates (Topcu, 1995) The addition of rubber aggregates is also seen to decrease slump due toFrontiers | Impact of Chemically Treated Waste
2019年8月10日· This study therefore evaluated the use of waste tyres crumbs (WTC) as replacement of coarse aggregate in concrete production Coarse aggregate was replaced with waste tyre crumbs at mass/weight2017年9月20日· Using recycled coarse aggregates in concrete production has also been studied from a mechanical (Pedro et al, 2014, Barbudo et al, 2013, Matias et al, 2013, Reis et al, 2015) and an environmental point of view (Marinkovic et al, 2010, Knoeri et al, 2013, Tosic et al, 2014), but the later only analysed a small number of pared environmental and economic impact from cradle to
2020年12月4日· Ergun (), added marble to the concrete as a replacement for the coarse aggregate; which enhanced the concrete mechanical properties, workability and chemical resistance if compared to the traditional concrete as shown in Table 2The reason behind using the marble in producing more durable concrete is not only economic but alsoIf there is a deficiency in a locally available fine aggregate, concrete may benefit from the addition of air entrainment, additional cement, or a supplemental cementitious material () to address these shortcomings Broad coarseaggregate gradation ranges are listed in Table 2 of ASTM C 33Aggregate in Concrete Concrete Network
2022年1月1日· Sixteen concrete mixes were cast, including a control concrete mix (CC) and fifteen recycled concrete mixes, all of which used ceramic fine aggregates (FCA) concrete: FCA1, FCA2, FCA3, FCA4, FCA5 for sand replacements and ceramic coarse aggregate (CCA) concrete; and CCA1, CCA2, CCA3, CCA4, CCA5 for coarse2023年4月1日· India ranked third in the world for coconut production in 2018, is particularly affected by this issue This study investigates the usage of coconut shells in place of coarse aggregate Owing to the highwater absorption of coconut shells, presoaked coconut shells were replaced as coarse aggregate with 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25% in M30 grade concreteUsage potential and benefits of processed coconut shells in concrete
2022年1月1日· 1 Introduction Using waste glass in concrete is a good way to keep waste glass out of landfills and cut down the pollution Large amount of greenhouse gases and natural resources can be reduced by employing waste glass [1], [2], [3]Concrete production uses 15 billion tonnes of cement, 9 billion tonnes of aggregate and 1 billion2009年1月1日· The manufacturing of concrete, however, also makes it one of the most detrimental materials for 2 the environment [6] A typical concrete mixture consists of 12% Portland cement, 34% sand, 28%(PDF) Environmental Impact of Concrete
2021年1月4日· Significant environmental damage can result from the use of natural resources such as cement, aggregate, and water in concrete production Thus, more sustainable alternatives for concrete production are needed to protect the environment and natural resources In this study, lightweight pervious concrete production involving2022年3月31日· This investigation used sawdust to substitute river sand in the concrete mix proportions of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% by weight The impact of compressive strength, workability, and density was investigated by changing the amount of sand replacement with sawdust Concrete cubes of 100 mm × 100 mm × 100 mm were produced forSawdust as Sand Filler Replacement in Concrete | SpringerLink
2023年12月13日· Concrete consists of cement, fine and coarse aggregates which are used as a building material worldwide as it contributes good performance in strength properties []Cement acts as a binder material when reacted with water which plays a major role in strength development; cement production was about 2248 and 2085 megatons2020年5月1日· In this study, a concrete mix with a 28day compressive strength of 35 MPa was prepared, and then natural sand was replaced by 10%–50% of crushed recycled plastic to determine the impact of substitution levels on concrete properties The effects on workability and mechanical properties were evaluatedEcofriendly concrete containing recycled plastic as partial
Many studies have been carriedout with the objective of using waste glass as fine aggregate and also as coarse aggregate in concrete Saand et al (2017) found that compressive strength of concrete increased and gave good performance in mechanical properties, when 12% of waste glass fine aggregate with particle size of 119 and 171Cairns, Queensland, to demonstrate the use of RGS in concrete as coarse sand replacement Concrete with 40% RGS achieved the characteristic strength of 32 MPa at 28 days The footpath has been used successfully for a year The successful application of using recycled glass in concrete can reduce sand dredging and reduce cementUse of waste glass as aggregate and cement replacement in concrete
2021年11月1日· As aggregate occupies the large volume fraction in concrete, about 80%–85% of a typical concrete mixture, it exerts a vital influence on the compressive strength of concrete and other properties as well [16,17] Ceramic aggregate is resistant to abrasion and heat and has a low thermal expansion coefficient [18]Over onethird of the volume of concrete is occupied by coarse Received: 11 Oct 2018 Reviewed: 30 Dec 2018 Accepted: 18 Jan 2019 aggregate and any changes in coarse aggregate type can affect itsIMPACT OF COARSE AGGREGATE ON COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE
2019年9月1日· The coarse aggregate was replaced by PKS of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% All the samples were cured for 7 days, 14 days, 21 days, and 28 days before the compressive strength was determined Afterannounced in 2009 to gradually reduce the annual export quota of river sand to Hong Kong and other places According to the data provided by CEDD, the consumption of river sand for concrete production in Hong Kong decreased from 640,000T in 2008 to 160,000T in 2018 which is about 75% drop (The Quantity of Natural Sand from Mainland used inStanding Committee on Concrete Technology Annual Concrete
2017年7月13日· 31 Goal and scope The goal of the present study is to compare the environmental impact caused by producing and transporting concrete mix constituents (coarse and fine aggregates, cement, and water) required for producing 1 m 3 of (1) concrete with only NA used as coarse aggregate, and (2) concrete of the same2018年3月20日· Use of steel slag aggregate with wastewater in concrete is found to be possible without any appreciable deterioration in fresh and hardened concrete properties 2 The reduction in slump and fresh density were found whereas a slight increase in air content of fresh concrete was observed while using steel slag aggregate with wastewater 3Impact of use of steel slag as coarse aggregate and wastewater on
2 Economic feasibility study of using waste ceramic tile aggregate as partial replacement of coarse aggregate in concrete production 3 Comparison between combined flakiness and elongation index, mechanical properties (Aggregate crushing value, Aggregate impact value, Aggregate abrasion value) of waste ceramic tile aggregate2018年6月1日· 1 Introduction Concrete is known as one of the most highly consumed construction materials The primary ingredients of a concrete mixture are cement, aggregates (coarse and fine), water and admixtures (Mindess et al, 2003; National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA), 2012)Among the aforementioned components,Properties of recycled concrete aggregate and their influence in
Coal gangue is the main tailings of coal mine, accounting for about 10% ∼ 20% of coal production At present, China is the largest coal production country reaching 5 billion tons, rising at an annual rate of 150 million ∼ 200 million tons [1], [2]In recent years, the average annual consumption of concrete in China has exceeded 436 million tons, and the2019年6月1日· Two types of concrete mixtures were tested namely concrete made fully using normal aggregate as a control concrete and another type of concrete made using recycled coarse aggregate (25, 50 and 75%PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE USING CRUSHED BRICK AS COARSE AGGREGATE
2018年1月1日· In the present study, ceramic tile waste and iron slag were used in concrete as a replacement for natural coarse aggregate with 0%, 10%, 50%, and 100% of the substitution, and M25 grade concrete2014年2月28日· Since aggregate (sand as fine and gravel as coarse) makes up about 60–80% of the volume of the LEED rating system, among them: “Optimize Energy Performance” credit Hence, agricultural waste used as aggregate in concrete production can contribute in making the Aggregate impact value (%) 4–8: 815:Agricultural wastes as aggregate in concrete mixtures – A review
2020年10月1日· 20 μm waste glass at 20% cement replacement obtains optimal results 20% fine aggregate for waste glass obtains satisfactory results Waste glass provides a poor coarse aggregate due to the smooth surface of glass Glass is a common material made from natural resources such as sand Although much of the waste glass is2023年6月3日· The coarse aggregate replacement was carried out in four different percentages with 0%, 25%, 50% and 75% in concrete where the specimens were cured for the period of 7 and 28 daysAN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION USING RECYCLED
🕑 Reading time: 1 minute Coarse aggregate is one of the essential components of concrete and occupies the largest volume in the mix That is why it greatly affects the concrete mix design Its properties such as strength, maximum size, shape, and water absorption influence water demand, the quantity of cement and fine aggregate in []5 天之前· Aggregate Definition: granular material, such as sand, gravel, crushed stone, crushed hydrauliccement concrete, or iron blastfurnace slag, used with a cementing medium to produce either concrete or mortar ACI Concrete Terminology Aggregates are the major constituent (ingredient) in concrete, making up 60% to 70% of the volume ofaggregate Topic American Concrete Institute
The manufactured sand (MS) is also one of the alternate materials being used in concrete production There are significant studies available worldwide, which estimated associated environmental impacts of RCA; however, author could not find comparative study on environmental impact of RCA and manufactured sand (MS) production using2022年9月1日· Methods: LCA was used to compare the environmental impacts of three alternative of procurement of coarse aggregates for concrete production: extraction and processing of natural aggregatesComparative Environmental Impacts of Recycled Concrete Aggregate
2022年12月1日· Concrete with a high content of PET plastic waste aggregate (40% and 50% volumetric replacement to natural coarse aggregate) can be utilized in structural insulation lightweight concrete members Tuladhar and Yin (2019) studied the possibility of producing lightweight concrete (1500 kg/m 3 ) by utilizing 100% recycled plasticof that, performed prediction estimates that demand for aggregate will double within the upcoming decade thus can pose a barrier for the construction industry [4] Particular problems related to extensive sand use for concrete production lay in the substantial depletion of natural resources and irreversible changes in the naturalAssessment of environmental impact of coarse aggregates
The demand on stones and sand for concrete production has increased to such an extent that it Impact value 21176% 2966% Water for high strength concrete – grade M60 is done using Perumal’s method Various replacement ratios of recycled aggregate by natural coarse aggregate is considered The water cement ratio is2021年6月14日· Typical effects of coarse and fine aggregates on the longterm properties of sea sand recycled aggregate concrete (SSRAC) are analyzed by a series of axial compression tests Two different types of fine (coarse) aggregates are considered: sea sand and river sand (natural and recycled coarse aggregates) Variations in SSRACEffects of coarse and fine aggregates on longterm mechanical
2019年1月1日· Twelve (12) cubes (150x150mm) of each type of coarse aggregate were cast for 7, 14, 21, and 28 days to determine their compressive strengths Quartzite was found to have the highest average